Kolbe Windows & Doors recently invited Greg and Nathan down to Wisconsin to visit the Kolbe Family property and a couple of the manufacturing plants. They learned about their process of producing high-performance windows and doors at a top-secret factory. Then they took them to Cardinal Glass manufacturing plant to see how their high-quality glass is made. While they were down in Wisconsin, they also got the opportunity to visit the original Kolbe family farm. In 1964, the two brothers began building windows and doors in a washhouse at the farm. To this day, it continues to be an 80-acre cattle farm. It’s a beautiful property, and it is nice to see that they are still keeping it as a part of the Kolbe family. This family definitely is known in the small town of Wausau.

Kolbe’s Attention to Detail is Amazing!

While Nathan and Greg were visiting the production warehouse, they noticed there was no automated production line. Instead, there were people working at stations. This might not seem like a big deal but in this day and age where many production lines are becoming automated. It’s reassuring. It’s great to see a company putting effort into employing people and supporting a town like Kolbe is.

During the tour, Nathan heard one of the other companies attending that ‘it was like Santa’s workshop’, and that definitely resonated as he took it all in. He even noticed a big sign acknowledging all the employees who had worked there for over 50+ years really was amazing. It shows that Kolbe is committed to their employees and it’s company culture, in addition to making quality windows and doors.

Three quarters of the town of Wausau, Wisconsin, work for Kolbe Windows. This doesn’t even include the people who work at the original farm from where they began repairing windows and doors in 1946. Now that farm is a cattle farm, you’ll see it in the video below.

On the second day, they had the privilege of going to the Kolbe Family’s Clubhouse and having a traditional Minnesota meal. According to Nathan, you could really get an idea of the core of the company.

«-  The Kolbe Lodge

Why Choose Kolbe Windows?

Kolbe Windows & Doors builds high-performance products. They are exactly the kind of window that we are looking for when we are building high-performance homes such as Net Zero, Built Green, and Passive House homes. What makes them high-performance is the structural design of them. Just like in the structure of a home, the structure of the physical window is important because it is critical for the overall home envelope. Greg mentioned that seeing how the windows are produced really put into perspective why they cost what they do.

As a contractor recommending companies and products, it’s really important for us that we have an understanding of what our client is paying for. Hence why this trip with Kolbe was so valuable. If you are looking for new windows or doors, we would recommend any of the Kolbe Windows & Doors. Recently, our clients at our Leovista project went with the VistaLuxe Collection from Kolbe.

Cardinal Glass Factory

We’re proud to be one of those visionaries! Thank you for your commitment to what you do, and bringing us along to see how you do it!

Sincerely, Greg & Nathan

Last but not least. Of course a trip to Wisconsin wouldn’t be complete without fried cheese curds… dipped in cheese dip. Yum!
Wisconsin Cheese!

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