Owning a home is a lot different than renting – and it comes with a steady list of to-do’s to keep it strong and secure.

Here are some of my tips to OWN IT RIGHT:

Don’t Bite Off More Than You Can Chew

Just because you have a tool box and a YouTube tutorial, doesn’t mean you’re capable of handling your own projects to save a few bucks. Even the most handy people have their limits when it comes to owning a home. Know where your limits are and spend the money to bring an expert in where needed. At the end of the day, if you have to redo your own shoddy work, it will probably cost you more in the long run. Projects that are more cosmetic, like painting, are a good place to test your DIY skills, because if you do slip up, you’ll only have to live with some cosmetic deficiencies. To me, that’s not the end of the world.

Know What’s In Your House

Your furnace or utility room is the lifeline of your home. Think about it: the ductwork running throughout your home is kind of like the veins in your body. It cycles air throughout your home – and it’s important that it’s doing its job properly. When you unbalance the system, you’re keeping it from running as well as it could. Not only does that mean it costs more to keep your home comfortable, it could also be negatively affecting your indoor air quality.Read about What’s In Your Furnace Room

Set Up An Emergency Fund

If you can, set aside a little extra each month and put it in a renovation fund. In the event you have a household emergency, like a broken furnace, or part of the structure is in need of a repair beyond your abilities, you’ll be able to access those funds instead of scrambling. Being able to take care of problems while they’re still relatively minor can save you a much bigger, and more expensive repair farther down the road.

Fix From The Outside In

Maybe you’re dreaming of a new kitchen or bathroom this year, but before you call the contractor, ask yourself when the last time you made updates to exterior structure. You always want to renovate your home starting with the exterior, and then working your way inside.

Open Up Your Windows

Keeping your windows and doors shut over winter helps save energy, not to mention money, too—all pluses. But if you never exchange the air inside your home for fresh air, it can get stale and potentially lead to health issues. Not only can this cause condensation issues inside your house (i.e., weeping windows), which we know can lead to mould, but it also allows toxins already inside your home to build-up. That includes things like VOCs (volatile organic compounds), mould spores, dust, smoke, radon, viruses and bacteria. Breathing in these things over an extended
period of time isn’t good for your health.

Keep On Top of Seasonal Maintenance Tasks

Tackle those home maintenance and home improvement projects before it’s too late. Your home needs maintenance – that’s just a fact of life when owning a home. If you take good care of your home and perform your necessary preventive maintenance, you can avoid taking on unneeded costly repairs.

Here are your seasonal maintenance guides:
° Spring Home Maintenance
° Summer Home Maintenance
° Fall Home Maintenance
° Winter Home Maintenance

“I’m always talking about building Better Homes that can last for generations that’s why I’ve teamed up with the industry-leading builders. Together we are going above minimum code in building homes that doesn’t just look good on the surface they’re even better behind the walls.”

About Mike Holmes and Hasler Homes Ltd:

Mike Holmes is a professional contractor, TV host, author, keynote speaker and TV producer. As one of North America’s most trusted contractors his no-nonsense approach has struck a cord with TV audiences and industry leaders world wide. Mike Holmes has built an international brand based on quality, integrity and trust. Mike Holmes started the Holmes Approved Homes program to give homebuyers a home built right the first time. Hasler Homes Ltd is a Holmes Approved Homes builder.

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