The Pros and Cons to Renovating an Old Home

Considering renovating? Whether you already live in an older home, or you’re looking into buying one, there will be both pros and cons. At Hasler Homes, we are always excited to work on projects that begin with an older structure. There is something to be said about restoring an older home, and bringing it into the future. As we go through the pros and cons, we’ll share with you some beautiful renovations we have done over the years. 



Old houses can be bought for less. If you’re looking for a true fixer-upper, you’ll likely pay less than you would for a new home. Sometimes that isn’t the case here in Vancouver, but it is worth shopping around if you are considering it as an option. One of our recent favourites was a midcentury home that we renovated. The post and beam ceiling adds beautiful architectural detail to a space, and typically a midcentury design is easy to incorporate adding square footage without a lot of trouble. This is because most are bungalow style homes and typically have a medium-large lot.

See more of Edgemont here.


An old house has plenty of character. There will likely be old woodwork, intricate details in the moldings and quirky light fixtures and hardware. Even with renovations, you’ll be able to keep some of the uniqueness while bringing it up-to-date and making it your own. We would recommend taking the time to look around your old home, with your designer if you are hiring one, before scrapping it all. A lot of fixtures that were made decades ago, were made to last, and depending on your new design, they might work. You can also do a big donation to non-profit stores like ReStore, where they can be sold off with proceeds going to Habitat for Humanity.

See more of Lions Bay here.


With many old homes, you can actually reclaim materials from the home. This isn’t the case with every old home. These reclaimed materials can either be donated to companies like Unbuilders, or they can be incorporated into your own renovation. Some ideas of what materials these might be are; original fir and oak flooring; large posts, beams, and joists; dimensional lumber; and old growth lumber. If you’re lucky enough to purchase an older home that used old growth lumber, you’ve hit the jackpot. Old growth lumber is stronger than standard lumber, 12 times less embodied carbon, tight grained & beautiful, and a rarity if you’re it looking for it on the market.



The price for renovating an old house can be steep. Some of the most expensive areas for renovating an old house can be found in replacing the roof and foundation, electrical and plumbing and updating the HVAC system. Be sure to get a thorough inspection before buying so you know what you may be in for price-wise. Also, make sure you are working with a skilled and knowledgeable contractor who has worked on projects like yours before. Never hesitate to ask to speak to other clients, and get examples of their past work.

See more of East Meets West here.


Old homes can contain toxins. Materials such as lead and asbestos are common in old homes and can be a health hazard if they aren’t dealt with properly. We advise always to work with a professional when looking into this, and not attempt to figure it out yourself. A professional will provide you with the propers tests to see if removal is needed. If it is, it can add to the budget but we find it is always worth it in the end.

See more of Canyon here.

The best tip we can give you when it comes to restoring an older home is to plan. The biggest thing you can do to ease your mind is to properly plan a home renovation. When it comes to planning, we believe hiring an honest contractor who can either work with your own architect and designer. Or find yourself a contractor like Hasler Homes who can help you build a team. This should be the first priority when you’re ready to begin planning. At Hasler Homes Ltd, we spend months preparing for a renovation. We want to ensure that we have all the details handled. With any home renovation, there might be some unexpected surprises along the way once we begin demolition. If your team is already organized in every other aspect of the renovation, than changes along the way won’t be as big of a blow to either the schedule or your budget.

Contact our Team at Hasler Homes Ltd to chat more about what we can do for you if you’re looking to renovate or build a new custom home.

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